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This website was conceived by Tiziana Faitini, who is responsible for its updating, and designed by Elisa Lorenzoni. It was built using Dennis Hoppe’s Encyclopedia Pro Premium WordPress plugin and the Grand College WordPress Theme. We thank Rachel Murphy for checking our English.

We thank Morcelliana for their permission to republish articles which appeared previously in the “Politica e Religione” Journal on Theopopedia.

Below is a complete list of the images on Theopopedia:

  • Ambrogio Lorenzetti (1338 – 1339), Allegory of the Good Government, Siena, Museo civico- Palazzo pubblico, © Fondazione Musei Senesi; source: Wikimedia Commons
  • Raffaello Sanzio, The crowning of Charlemagne, Roma, © Musei Vaticani; source: Wikimedia Commons
  • Abraham Bosse (1651), engraving of the frontispiece of the book Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes; source: Wikimedia Commons
  • Unknown, Official Manners of the Hebrews. Naaman before the Prophet, illustration from With the World’s People by John Clark Ridpath (Clark E Ridpath, 1912), © Look and Learn, for educational use
  • Salvator Rosa (1630-1673), Diogenes and Alexander, London, British Museum, © Trustees of the British Museum; source: British Museum website,  in compliance with its Standard Terms of Use
  • L. C. Castelnuovo, A. Dalco (1841-1846), Madonna of the Magnificat, print after the painting by Sandro Botticelli, London, British Museum, © Trustees of the British Museum; source: British Museum website,  in compliance with its Standard Terms of Use
  • Pieter Bruegel the Elder (1566), The Census at Bethlehem, Brussels, © Musées Royaux des Beaux Arts de Belgique; source: Wikimedia Commons
  • Marc Chagall (1955), La Traversée de la mer Rouge, Nice, Musée national d’art moderne-Centre Georges Pompidou, dépôt au musée national Marc Chagall; source: G. Arpino, R. Negri (eds.), Chagall, Fabbri ed., Milano 1978

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