Guidelines for authors

We welcome completely new proposals and are happy to consider the republishing of your previously published works: please consult our copyright policies to learn more.

Find out more about content here: Theopopedia project, and here: structure of entries.

The formal requirements are described below.

Required entry sections
  • Title
  • English abstract
  • Main sections
  • Footnotes
  • Related entries

Presentations of entries on concepts have to be written in English, while in-depth articles and entries on authors have to contain an English abstract but may also be written in French, Italian, German or Spanish.


Please use the following bibliographical format:

E. Bonora, I conflitti della Controriforma. Santità e obbedienza nell’esperienza religiosa dei primi barnabiti, Le Lettere, Firenze 1998 (and, if citing it again, E. Bonora, I conflitti della Controriforma, cit., p. 17)

G. Connell – C.S. Evans (eds.), Foundations of Kierkegaard’s vision of community, Humanities press international, Atlantic Highlands N.J 1992 (and, if citing an essay within it, M. Nicoletti, Politics and Religion in Kierkegaard’s Thought: Secularization and the Martyr in Foundations of Kierkegaard’s vision of community, cit., pp. 183-195)

M. Foucault, L’herméneutique du sujet. Cours au Collège de France (1981-1982), éd. par F. Ewald, A. Fontana et F. Gros, Gallimard – Seuil, Paris 2001; tr. it. L’ermeneutica del soggetto. Corso al Collège de France (1981-1982), a cura di F. Gros e M. Bertani, Feltrinelli, Milano 2003

V. Visa-Ondarçuhu, La notion de parrhèsia chez Lucien, in «Pallas», 72(2006), pp. 261-278

P. Miquel, Parrhesia, in M. Viller (ed.), Dictionnaire de spiritualité ascétique et mystique: doctrine et histoire, Beauchesne, Paris 1937-1995, t. XII, coll. 260-67.

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