Redemption-II. In-depth: Politica e redenzione in “Paulinismus” di Otto Pfleiderer. Una nota sulla “Lettera ai Colossesi” (Francesco Ghia)

Abstract Politics and redemption in Otto Pfleiderer’s Paulinismus. A note on the Letter to the Colossians This paper discusses Otto Pfleiderer’s interpretation of the Letter to the Colossians in his Paulinismus. The cosmological-historical valence that Paul gives to Christ’s act
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Redemption-II. In-depth: Redentori e traditori. Essere giusti con Nietzsche nell’età dell’ “amministrazione economica generale della terra” (Guido Boffi)

Abstract Redeemers and traitors. Being fair to Nietzsche in the age of “general economic administration of the earth” This paper examines the concept of redemption in Nietzsche’s work. Nietzsche resolves, on the one hand, to adopt a genealogical approach to the concept; on
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Redemption-II. In-depth: Redenzione e riconciliazione. Il confronto teologico-politico tra Hegel e Schleiermacher (Omar Brino)

Abstract Redemption and reconciliation. The theological-political comparison between Hegel and Schleiermacher This paper examines the concept of redemption as understood by Hegel and Schleiermacher. Both authors conceive of redemption in dialectical terms, and their ideas are deeply r
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Redemption-II. In-depth: Redenzione e Riforma. Alcuni elementi di riflessione per una “teologia politica” autocritica (Alberto Bondolfi)

Abstract Redemption and Reformation: some elements of reflection for a self-critical “political theology” This paper provides some reflections on the concept of redemption in the Reformed Churches. First, the impact of previous theologies on the Reformation will be mention
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Redemption-II. In-depth: Redimere l’Italia dai “peccati de’ principi”. Una lettura politico-militare della “redenzione” nel “Principe” (Jean-Claude Zancarini)

Abstract Redeeming Italy from the sins of princes. A political-military interpretation of “redemption” in The Prince In The Prince, the words redemption, redeemer, redeem only appear in Chapter 26. In this paper, I will attempt to answer two questions: “why, in the final e
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Temple-I. Presentation (Tiziana Faitini)

Download PDF The Temple as Sanctuary and the Right of Asylum (Tiziana Faitini) Abstract The entry deals with some aspects of the history of the concept of ‘temple’. In the Western tradition, the temple coincides, at least to some extent, with the territorialisation of the sacred. It i
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Temple-II. In-depth: «Templorum praerogative cum legatorum domibus communicabantur» Il tempio nel dibattito sull’inviolabilità della sede diplomatica nella prima età moderna (Dante Fedele)

Abstract «Templorum praerogative cum legaterum domibus communicabantur». The temple in the debate on the inviolability of the diplomatic seat in the early Modern Age This paper analyses two issues which emerged from the diplomatic practice of the 16th and 17th Centuries and which have
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Temple-II. In-depth: Attorno alla Ka‘ba. Un percorso teologico-politico tra storia e jihād (Massimo Campanini)

Abstract Around the Ka‘ba. A theological-political journey between history and jihad The temple plays a crucial part in Islam. The phenomenology of the Islamic temple reflects a vital characteristic of the religion: the dialectic between exteriority (zāhir) and interiority (bātin), be
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Temple-II. In-depth: Bernhard Welte sulla scia di Heidegger. Dal tempio al centro commerciale (ovvero la fine del tempio) (Silvano Zucal)

Abstract Bernhard Welte in the wake of Heidegger. From the temple to the shopping mall (or the end of the temple) This essay discusses the fact that sacred spaces are today disappearing, through an examination of Bernhard Welte’s considerations on the meaning of the temple and its spa
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Temple-II. In-depth: Corbin e la meditazione sul tempio (Francesca Forte)

Abstract Corbin and the meditation on temple This essay examines the extent to which the theological-political understanding of the temple as a space and a territorialisation of the sacred, and the interpretation offered by Henri Corbin of the concept of the imago templi, differ. Corb
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