Temple-II. In-depth: Cosa vediamo quando pensiamo “tempio”? (Guido Boffi)

Abstract What do we see when we think about “temple”?  This essay develops the theme of the temple from the perspective of a phenomenology of the image. In doing so, it intends to problematize the very concept of the temple and its correspondence with images, and to avoid
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Temple-II. In-depth: Dalla tenda di Abramo alle dimore dei credenti. La sacralità dell’ospite nella tradizione islamica (Ida Zilio-Grandi)

 Abstract From Abraham’s tent to the homes of believers. The sacredness of the guest in Islamic tradition This essay deals with the concept of hospitality in the Islamic tradition. According to a Koranic verse dedicated to the various components of “true pity” (in Arabic birr, Q
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Temple-II. In-depth: Il tempio e il Messia. L’escatologia teo-politica del giudaismo rabbinico (Massimo Giuliani)

Abstract The temple and the Messiah. The theo-political eschatology of rabbinic Judaism This paper discusses aspects of eschatological and halakhic thought linked to the themes of the temple and messianic redemption developed by Rabbinical Judaism, and proposes that an understanding o
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Temple-II. In-depth: Il tempio nel primo Cristianesimo. Dalla decostruzione paolina alla ricostruzione costantiniana (Gateano Lettieri)

Abstract The temple in early Christianity. From Pauline deconstruction to Constantinian reconstruction This essay deals with the controversial relationship between the first three and a half centuries of Christianity and the “temple”. It focusses particularly on Paul and his identific
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Temple-II. In-depth: Il tempio, la Chiesa visibile e la Chiesa invisibile. Alcune note sul giuridismo teologico a partire da Rudolph Sohm (Francesco Ghia)

Abstract The temple, the visible Church and the invisible Church. Some notes on theological juridism from Rudolph Sohm onwards This essay begins with the theological anti-legalism of Rudolph Sohm in order to reconstruct some of the ecclesiological implications of the debate between le
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Temple-II. In-depth: Introduzione. Il tempio come concetto teologico politico (Tiziana Faitini)

Abstract: Introduction. The temple as a theological-political concept. The essay deals with some aspects of the history of the concept of “temple”, in order to highlight the intertwining of the theological and political dimensions which its development reveals. In Western tradition, t
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Temple-II. In-depth: Lieux de sanctification. La sacralité liturgique des temples réformés genevois (xvie -xviie siècle) (Christian Grosse)

Abstract Places of santification. The liturgical sacredness of the Genevan Reformed temples (16th-17th century)  This essay focuses on the Genevan Reformation in an attempt to better understand the Reformed view of the relationship between place and sacrality. Doctrinal sources and ar
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