Angels of the nations-II. In-depth: Le nazioni tra l’Angelo e la Bestia nell’Apocalisse

Abstract The expression «Angels of the nations» does not appear in the Book of Revelation. Nevertheless, on the one hand, the angels operate between God and the nations, and thus all have some kind of relationship with peoples, or at least with individual humans; on the other hand, th
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Parrhesia-II. In-depth: «Non in proverbiis sed palam». La parrhesia di Cristo nel commento al Vangelo di Giovanni di Tommaso d’Aquino (Andrea Colli)

Abstract There is no one consistent translation of the term parrhesia in the Vulgata. This would seem to create an insurmountable obstacle to the reception of the concept, not so much in the Paleochristian world – still close to Hellenistic influences – but rather in the studia and th
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Redemption-II. In-depth: “Non uscirai di là finché non avrai pagato fino all’ultimo spicciolo”. Esegesi di Mt 5, 25-26 e origini dell’idea di purgatorio (Milena Mariani)

Abstract “You will not be released until you have paid the last penny”. Exegesis of Mt: 5, 25-26 and origins of the idea of ​​purgatory Since the publication of J. Le Goff’s highly successful The Birth of Purgatory, in 1981, much research has been done, from various histor
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Redemption-II. In-depth: Politica e redenzione in “Paulinismus” di Otto Pfleiderer. Una nota sulla “Lettera ai Colossesi” (Francesco Ghia)

Abstract Politics and redemption in Otto Pfleiderer’s Paulinismus. A note on the Letter to the Colossians This paper discusses Otto Pfleiderer’s interpretation of the Letter to the Colossians in his Paulinismus. The cosmological-historical valence that Paul gives to Christ’s act
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