Temple-II. In-depth: Il tempio e il Messia. L’escatologia teo-politica del giudaismo rabbinico (Massimo Giuliani)

Abstract The temple and the Messiah. The theo-political eschatology of rabbinic Judaism This paper discusses aspects of eschatological and halakhic thought linked to the themes of the temple and messianic redemption developed by Rabbinical Judaism, and proposes that an understanding o
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Temple-II. In-depth: Tempio, Gerusalemme, città di asilo. La geografia dello spazio sacro trasformata in una religione senza luogo (Gian Luigi Prato)

Abstract Temple, Jerusalem, city of shelter. The geography of sacred space transformed into a religion without place. When we consider the history of the temple in Jerusalem, we realise that its holiness became a spatial template for other religious institutions, allowing them, too, t
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