Parrhesia-II. In-depth: «Non più servitori muti di dèi muti». La parrhesia in Hans Urs von Balthasar e Karl Rahner (Milena Mariani)

Abstract The theme of parrhesia clearly emerges in a few dense pages, dating back to the 1950s, by two of the greatest theologians of the 20th Century. At first sight Hans Urs von Balthasar and Karl Rahner seem to be restating two different but already traditional interpretations: the
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Parrhesia-II. In-depth: Il coraggio della verità: Michel Foucault (Sandro Chignola)

Abstract This essay attempts to examine Foucault’s use of the concept of parrhesia and to understand why he makes it so central to his interpretation of classical and late classical thought. Such an interpretation is not in fact random or impolitic, but actually of critical importance
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Parrhesia-II. In-depth: La rinuncia alla parrhesia: il caso di Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Andrea Aguti)

Abstract This paper encapsulates the Evangelical theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s reasons for working with the anti-Nazi resistance in Germany and, when arrested and tortured, hiding his own position. This dissimulation is understood as an example of renouncing parrhesia, for which Bo
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