Redemption-II. In-depth: Gotteszorn und Nächstenliebe. Konzepte von Erlösung und Vergeltung in der frühneuzeitlichen Moraltheologie und Strafrechtslehre (Harald Maihold)

Abstract God’s wrath and mercy. Concepts of “redemption” and “retribution” in early Modern moral theology and criminal Law The religious concept of redemption contributed significantly to the shaping of public criminal law in the Early Modern Age. This pa
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Redemption-II. In-depth: La redemptio ab hostibus e la redemptio a domino nel diritto romano (Laurent Waelkens)

Abstract Redemptio ab hostibus and redemptio a domino in Roman law This essay presents a synthetic historical account of the Roman juridical institution of the redemptio ab hostibus and the redemptio a domino, which allowed people who had been enslaved in war, or as debtors, to regain
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