Parrhesia-II. In-depth: «Non in proverbiis sed palam». La parrhesia di Cristo nel commento al Vangelo di Giovanni di Tommaso d’Aquino (Andrea Colli)

Abstract There is no one consistent translation of the term parrhesia in the Vulgata. This would seem to create an insurmountable obstacle to the reception of the concept, not so much in the Paleochristian world – still close to Hellenistic influences – but rather in the studia and th
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Parrhesia-II. In-depth: Il parresiasta punito, ossia Momus di Leon Battista Alberti (Dante Fedele)

Abstract This contribution is a reading of Momus by L.B. Alberti which highlights the “freedom” with which the main character, Momo, interacts with Jove and the ambiguous status of the “truth” of his words. After having shown briefly that Momo is described as a parrhesiasta on a numbe
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