Angels of the nations-II. In-depth: L’angelo vicario del Dio d’Israele (Gian Luigi Prato)

Abstract The God of Israel’s vicarious angel: origin and necessity of a substitutive political function This paper analyzes the origins of the concept of the Angel of the Nation within the Judaic tradition. The main features and functions of the intermediary figure of the divine messe
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Parrhesia-II. In-depth: Dimensioni socio-religiose della parrhesia giudaica nella tradizione linguistica dei testi biblici (Gian Luigi Prato)

Abstract This paper shows that while the Greek parrhesia is above all concerned with the public and political spheres, the one of the Jews integrates and directs both spheres towards a different perspective, in which the religious dimension is strongest. In this new dimension parrhesi
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Redemption-II. In-depth: “Sarete riscattati senza denaro” (Is 52,3). La redenzione nell’Antico Testamento tra metafora teologica e linguaggio giuridico ibrido (Gian Luigi Prato)

Abstract “Without money you shall be redeemed” (Is 52:3). Redemption in the Old Testament between theological metaphor and hybrid legal language Most Old Testament texts dealing with redemption and ransom use legal language, even when God is the redeemer, although in this
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