Parrhesia-II. In-depth: «Non in proverbiis sed palam». La parrhesia di Cristo nel commento al Vangelo di Giovanni di Tommaso d’Aquino (Andrea Colli)

Abstract There is no one consistent translation of the term parrhesia in the Vulgata. This would seem to create an insurmountable obstacle to the reception of the concept, not so much in the Paleochristian world – still close to Hellenistic influences – but rather in the studia and th
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Parrhesia-II. In-depth: «Non più servitori muti di dèi muti». La parrhesia in Hans Urs von Balthasar e Karl Rahner (Milena Mariani)

Abstract The theme of parrhesia clearly emerges in a few dense pages, dating back to the 1950s, by two of the greatest theologians of the 20th Century. At first sight Hans Urs von Balthasar and Karl Rahner seem to be restating two different but already traditional interpretations: the
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Parrhesia-II. In-depth: Dimensioni socio-religiose della parrhesia giudaica nella tradizione linguistica dei testi biblici (Gian Luigi Prato)

Abstract This paper shows that while the Greek parrhesia is above all concerned with the public and political spheres, the one of the Jews integrates and directs both spheres towards a different perspective, in which the religious dimension is strongest. In this new dimension parrhesi
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Parrhesia-II. In-depth: La rinuncia alla parrhesia: il caso di Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Andrea Aguti)

Abstract This paper encapsulates the Evangelical theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s reasons for working with the anti-Nazi resistance in Germany and, when arrested and tortured, hiding his own position. This dissimulation is understood as an example of renouncing parrhesia, for which Bo
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Redemption-I. Presentation (Tiziana Faitini)

Abstract The entry explores some aspects of the history of the concept of ‘redemption, focusing on its juridical background. Attention is given to the close relationship between the interpretation of Jesus’ salvific action by early Christian authors, on the one hand, and the pra
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Redemption-II. In-depth: “Non uscirai di là finché non avrai pagato fino all’ultimo spicciolo”. Esegesi di Mt 5, 25-26 e origini dell’idea di purgatorio (Milena Mariani)

Abstract “You will not be released until you have paid the last penny”. Exegesis of Mt: 5, 25-26 and origins of the idea of ​​purgatory Since the publication of J. Le Goff’s highly successful The Birth of Purgatory, in 1981, much research has been done, from various histor
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Redemption-II. In-depth: “Sarete riscattati senza denaro” (Is 52,3). La redenzione nell’Antico Testamento tra metafora teologica e linguaggio giuridico ibrido (Gian Luigi Prato)

Abstract “Without money you shall be redeemed” (Is 52:3). Redemption in the Old Testament between theological metaphor and hybrid legal language Most Old Testament texts dealing with redemption and ransom use legal language, even when God is the redeemer, although in this
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Redemption-II. In-depth: Il mandato del redentore e i doveri dei redenti. Alle origini di un paradigma di legittimazione delle relazioni economiche e politiche (II – V sec.) (Paolo Evangelisti)

Abstract The mandate of  the redeemer and the duties of the redeemed. The origins of a paradigm of legitimization of economic and political relations (II – V century)  In this paper I present a wide range of patristic texts, which – through theological discussion of the “divine
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Redemption-II. In-depth: La redemptio romana e la sua reinterpretazione cristiana. Un contributo alla storia del concetto di redenzione (Tiziana Faitini)

Abstract Roman redemptio and its Christian reinterpretation. A contribution to the history of the concept of “redemption” The paper deals with the concept of redemption developed by a number of Early Christian authors (Origen and Ambrose of Milan in particular). Special at
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Redemption-II. In-depth: Politica e redenzione in “Paulinismus” di Otto Pfleiderer. Una nota sulla “Lettera ai Colossesi” (Francesco Ghia)

Abstract Politics and redemption in Otto Pfleiderer’s Paulinismus. A note on the Letter to the Colossians This paper discusses Otto Pfleiderer’s interpretation of the Letter to the Colossians in his Paulinismus. The cosmological-historical valence that Paul gives to Christ’s act
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