The Department of Humanities of the University of Trento has organized several international study seminars on the history of theologico-political concepts. Both upcoming seminars and previous programs are listed here. The double blind peer reviewed journal “Politica e Religione”, published by Morcelliana, contains the most important results of the study seminars. If you want to contribute to the journal, have a look at the most recent seminar, check if there is an open call for papers and contact us with your abstract (c. 400 words).


The Society of Humankind /11

La società del genere umano /11 3-4 June 2019 The seminar will offer a historical cross-disciplinary
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The Money God. Towards a theologico-political history of money /10

Il Dio denaro. Per una storia teologico-politica della moneta /10 18-19 January 2018 The seminar wil
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Redeem and ransom. Conceptual pathways between religion and politics /9

Redimere e riscattare. Itinerari concettuali tra religione e politica /9 9-10 June 2016 This seminar
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«The place on which you are standing is holy ground». The temple and its theologico-political value /8

«Il luogo sul quale tu stai è suolo santo». La valenza teologico-politica del tempio /8 15-17 June 2
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Census, rank, profession. The census as a theologico-political question /7

Censo, ceto, professione. Il censimento come problema teologico-politico /7 13-14 June 2014 Since an
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The politics of the Magnificat. On political Mariology /6

La politica del Magnificat. Questioni di mariologia politica /6 21-22 June 2013  This seminar dealt
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Parrhesia and Politics. Speaking Truth to Power /5

Parrhesia e politica. Dire la verità di fronte al potere /5 20-21 June 2012 The word “parrhesia” (πα
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The “licence” of Naaman the Syrian. Public cult and private belief /4

La licenza di Naaman il Siro. Culto pubblico e religiosità privata /4 9-10 June 2011 This seminar de
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The Spirit and power. On political pneumatology /3

Lo Spirito e il potere. Questioni di pneumatologia politica /3 29-30 May 2008 This seminar dealt wit
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